Date: 25Apr 2022

本書簡介 Introduction:

Sarah Dauncey對1949年至今中國社會和文化中的身心障礙及其公民身份進行了首次的全面探索。通過對各種中文資料的分析,包括電影、紀錄片、文學和生命書寫、媒體報導和政府文件等,她提出了重要的新觀點,以分析這一時期裡身心障礙及障礙者的身份認同如何被呈現和討論。她也揭露了在中國政府對“理想”公民對期望下,身心障礙人士所遵循的標準。由此,她提出了一個令人興奮的新理論框架,以理解不同社會中的身心障礙者公民身份問題,即“準公民身份”。她的新解讀提出了一種遠比過往的想象更具動態的身份和歸屬關係,協調了的身心障礙者公民身份問題上令人困擾的矛盾,即身心差異帶來的危機,和個人及團體賦權的潛力。

Sarah Dauncey offers the first comprehensive exploration of disability and citizenship in Chinese society and culture from 1949 to the present. Through the analysis of a wide variety of Chinese sources, from film and documentary to literature and life writing, media and state documents, she sheds important new light on the ways in which disability and disabled identities have been represented and negotiated over this time. She exposes the standards against which disabled people have been held as the Chinese state has grappled with expectations of what makes the ‘ideal’ Chinese citizen. From this, she proposes an exciting new theoretical framework for understanding disabled citizenship in different societies – ‘para-citizenship’. A far more dynamic relationship of identity and belonging than previously imagined, her new reading synthesises the often troubling contradictions of citizenship for disabled people – the perils of bodily and mental difference and the potential for personal and group empowerment.