Date: 08Jun 2022
00:00:10 您為什麼選擇來香港大學? Why did you choose to come to HKU?
00:02:20 展望未來,您認為港大法律學院最大的價值在於何處?Looking forward, what do you think HKU Law’s greatest value is?
00:07:43 您能告訴我們有關金融法課程的信息以及它們提供的內容嗎?Can you tell us about HKU’s financial law programs and what they have to offer?
00:10:18 你認為優秀的博士生應具備何種質素? What are some of the qualities that HKU PhD students possess?
00:12:18 您認為港大何以引領FINTECH的教育及發展?What do you think places HKU in a good position to take the lead in Fintech education and development?
00:17:53 在您從事學術研究的過程中,您認為自己最振奮人心的成就是甚麼?What has been the most exciting achievement you’ve made in your research so far?
00:21:42 您認為自己在學術研究中遭遇的最大挑戰又是甚麼?What has been the biggest challenge you have encountered in your research?
00:23:03 就學術研究而言, 你認為獨立研究及合作研究各有什麼價值? 如何在兩者之間尋求平衡? How so you value independent research and collaborative research? How do you strike a balance between these two methods?
00:24:58 你的行業經驗如何為學術研究提供靈感及養分? In what way has your experience in the industry improved your academic research?
00:29:22 你在周末一般會安排什麼活動? 你覺得最好的減壓方式是什麼? How would you spend your weekend? What do you think is the best way to let off some steam?
00:32:04 您最喜歡的運動是甚麼?為甚麼?Can you tell us about your favourite sports?
00:33:12 對年輕學者的學習或生活建議? Any advice for young scholoars?