Date: 16May 2018
The Hong Kong Apology Ordinance (Cap. 631): the most extensive apology-protection legislation in the world by Professor Robyn Carroll (The University of Western Australia)
Hong Kong’s Apology Ordinance commenced operation on 1st December 2017. The Ordinance is the first apology-protection legislation in Asia and it extends the protection provided to apologies by similar legislation in many other common law jurisdictions. In her talk, Professor Carroll will explain the background to and rationale for the legislation, the objects of the legislation and how its provisions aim to achieve its purposes. The Hong Kong legislation has aspects which are unique and the likely effect of these will be discussed.
Robyn Carroll is a Professor at the UWA Law School at the University of Western Australia where she teaches and researches Contract Law, Remedies, Dispute Resolution, Family Law and Elder Law. In 2014 Professor Carroll was invited by the Hong Kong Department of Justice to write a research report on the enactment of apology legislation which assisted in the preparation of the Consultation Paper on the Enactment of Apology Legislation in Hong Kong (2015). She is co-author of the recently published Carroll, Chiu and Vines, Apology Ordinance (Cap.631): Commentary and Annotations (Sweet & Maxwell, Hong Kong, 2018).