Date: 14Apr 2016
“One Country Two Systems” have been practiced in in Hong Kong for 18 years. The conflict between “One Country” and “Two Systems” becomes more and more intense. Can “One Country Two Systems” be maintained in the future? Albert Chen, Benny Tai and Brian Fong come together to explore how to strike a better balance between “One Country” and “Two Systems.”
Panel of the Dialogue:
Albert H. Y. Chen Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong; Member of the Committee of the Basic Law
Benny Y. T. Tai Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
Brian C. H. Fong Associate Director of The Academy of Hong Kong Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Editor of “A Theory of Reforming Hong Kong” 「
對話者: 陳弘毅 香港大學法律學院教授;基本法委員會委員
戴耀廷 香港大學法律學院副教授
方志恒 香港教育學院 香港研究學院副總監;《香港革新論》主編