Date: 22Feb 2016
The Rule of Law is the cornerstone of Hong Kong’s success. However, Hong Kong’s Rule of Law faces many challenges in recent years. What are the greatest threats to the future of Hong Kong’s Rule of Law? Johannes Chan, Benny Tai and Kevin Yam come together to explore how to maintain the Rule of Law in Hong Kong for a better future.
Johannes M. M. Chan Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong; Former Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, Honorary Senior Council(TBC)
Benny Y. T. Tai Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong; Convenor, Rule of Law Education Project, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
Kevin K. F. Yam Solicitor; Convenor, Progressive Lawyers Group
陳文敏 香港大學法律學院教授;香港大學法律學院前院長;名譽資深大律師 (邀約中)
戴耀廷 香港大學法律學院副教授,香港大學法律學院法治教育計劃召集人
任建峰 執業律師,法政匯思召集人