Date: 31Oct 2016
This seminar will explore the relationships between the various components of a healthy, dynamic and just society: an independent civil society, a free and responsible media, civic virtues, pluralism, robust political debate, the rule of law and the state. What do these comprise, and how do they interact with each other to promote or undermine the health, dynamism and justice of a society? Can we pursue all components together or must we choose between them?
2:30 pm – 2: 45 pm Introduction Moderator: Mr. Benny Tai, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
2:45 pm – 3:15 pm Speaker: Dr. Jonathan Chaplin, Director, Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, Cambridge, United Kingdom Topic: Why an independent civil society (including religious liberty) and the rule of law are also good for the state
3:15 pm – 3:45 pm Speaker: Mr. David Campanale, Convenor, National Union of Journalists, BBC World News Topic: National broadcaster or state broadcaster? The Christian dimension of the BBC since Lord Reith
3:45 pm – 4:00 pm Coffee Break
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Speaker: Dr. Bob Fu, Founder and President, China Aid Topic: Religious freedom and national security: Do we have to choose one?
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Q & A