Date: 12Jun 2015 Organized in conjunction between the CCPL, the Amsterdam Center for International Law and the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law on 12th-13th June...
Tag - China
Morality and Responsibility of Rulers of Law – Day 1 – Afternoon Session (Part I) (12th June 2015)
Date: 12Jun 2015 Organized in conjunction between the CCPL, the Amsterdam Center for International Law and the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law on 12th-13th June...
Legislation and Adjudication of Juvenile crimes in China (30th October 2015) 2/2
Date: 30Oct 2015 In this Hochelaga lecture, Judge Huang Yong-Wei, President of National Judges College of the People’s Republic of China, reviews the evolution of the...
Judge Huang Yong-wei: Legislation and Adjudication of Juvenile crimes in Mainland China (中國大陸未成年人犯罪的立法與司法)
Date:30Oct 2015 A Judicial Studies Programme & Hague Conference on Private International Law seminar The Hochelaga Lectures 2015: The Judiciary’s Role in...
20180425 CCPL Seminar: Rule of Law in China
Date: 25Apr 2018 Rule of Law in China: Historical, Cultural, and Comparative Analysis Based on World Justice Project Data by Professor Jeffrey E. Thomas (Associate Dean...
Welfare for Autocrats: How Social Assistance in China Cares for its Rulers with Jennifer Pan
Date: 06Jan 2021 Zoom Webinar Book Talk – Welfare for Autocrats: How Social Assistance in China Cares for its Rulers (OUP, 2020) – with the author –...
當代中國下的身心障礙:公民權,身份和文化 Talk – Disability in Contemporary China: Citizenship, Identity and Culture
Date: 25Apr 2022 本書簡介 Introduction: Sarah...
Disaggregating China, Inc.: State Strategies in the Liberal Economic Order
Date: 08Apr 2022 Introduction: Set in the aftermath of China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, Disaggregating China, Inc. questions the extent to which the...
Date: 18Feb 2022 This talk develops a relational explanation for judicial corruption, namely, a spatial theory of institutional proximity, to complement existing...
China and Investor State Dispute Settlement Status Quo and Beyond
Date: 18Feb 2022 In recent years, there is a dramatic increase of investor-state arbitration (ISA) disputes involving China and Chinese investors, relying on China’s...