Tag - law students


上集就講讀法律嘅苦與樂,今集一班法律課程嘅學生就分享返同學應該點揀 single degree 嘅LLB同其他double degrees、兩者有咩唔同,以及讀各自嘅法律課程,學生會有嘅特質。想知有無講中你?就要留意片段啦


要喺香港讀法律,第一時間一定諗起HKU。港大除咗法律學士(LLB)之外,仲有幾個Law相關嘅雙學位課程。今集法律學院大對決除咗有LLB嘅同學,仲有 BSS(GL)&LLB (俗稱GLAW)同BBA(Law)&LLB嘅同學一齊「對決」,傾吓各自嘅課程有咩唔同,鬥吓邊個chur啲同多sources啲


About the Project

The HKU Law Video Archive contains important public lectures by eminent academics and judges, keynote speeches at conferences, as well as public speeches by international dignitaries and community leaders delivered on various occasions.  By making these public lectures available online to the public, we hope to make a modest contribution to facilitate a better public understanding of our legal system and its underlying values.  If you wish to support this project, please contact our Faculty Development Team at facdev@hku.hk.


If you wish to support this project and make a donation, please contact the Faculty Development Officer, Rachel Li (Telephone: 3917 2919 or email: lirachel@hku.hk)