Date: 11Feb 2022
本次是共同富裕系列的第五場講座。去年年末,《公司法(修訂草案)》正式公佈,曾斌博士將就下述問題進行解讀:其一,監事會可能被審計委員會代替,這會對公司治理產生何種影響? 其二,不再列舉董事會職權使得董事會中心主義初露端倪,但法定代表人制度和股東會諸多職權的保留,仍使該努力有所局限。 其三,上市公司將被強制要求設置職工董事,這會如何影響反收購中的控制權爭奪? 同時,如何完善配套制度? 其四,非執行董事、外部董事和獨立董事之間的邊界應如何釐清? 最後,實控人和董監高相關責任的明確,是否能解決公司治理失效頻發的問題?
In our fifth webinar in Law and Common Prosperity Series, Dr. Zeng will talk about the “Company Law (Revised Draft)”, having been officially announced at the end of last year, raises a number of important questions. He will explore the changes introduced by the draft such as the Audit Committee replacing the Supervisory Committee and its impact on corporate governance. He will explore how the draft on the one hand introduces changes to strengthen board centrism, but that the legal representative system and the retention of many shareholder meeting powers still serve to hinder this trend. Dr Zeng will also discuss the requirement that listed companies be compelled to set up employee directors and how this may change the dynamics of reverse takeovers while also suggesting potential improvements. Finally, Dr Zeng will explore whether clarifying the responsibilities of corporate players, such as directors, senior management and supervisors, will solve the ever present problem of corporate governance failures.
中國政法大學法學博士,經濟學博士後(深交所),曾為德國漢堡馬普所訪問學者,現為浙江天冊(深圳)律師事務所高級顧問。 長期在深交所任職,曾任深交所綜合研究所公司治理中心副主任、法律部高級經理,被認定為”深圳市高層次人才(後備級)”,”福田英才”,深交所培訓中心優秀講師。 曾任職於中國證監會,參與《證券法》《上市公司治理準則》修訂工作,參與創業板註冊制改革等重大制度起草。 兼任深圳市公司治理研究會顧問,深耕上市公司治理、證券監管研究與實踐,在國內外核心期刊發表論文三十余篇,著有《資本治理的邏輯》。
Dr. Bin Zeng Received his Doctorate in law from China University of Political Science and Law, is a postdoctoral fellow in economics (Shenzhen Stock Exchange), a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, Germany, and is now a senior consultant of Zhejiang Tiance (Shenzhen) Law Firm. He has worked at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for a number of years, and served as Deputy Director of the Corporate Governance Center of the Comprehensive Research Institute of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and was Senior Manager of the Legal Department. He was recognized as “Shenzhen High-level Talent (Reserve Level)”, “Futian Talent”, and “Excellent Lecturer” at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Training Center. He once worked for the China Securities Regulatory Commission, participated in the revision of the Securities Law and the Corporate Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies, and participated in the drafting of major systems such as the GEM registration system reform. He is also a consultant of Shenzhen Corporate Governance Research Association. Over the years, he has developed his research and practice in listed company governance and securities supervision, having published more than 30 papers in key journals at home and abroad, and is the author of “The Logic of Capital Governance”.
周淳,浙江大學光華法學院副教授。 北京大學法學學士(2010)、哥倫比亞大學法學碩士(James Kent Scholar)、北京大學法學博士。 主要研究領域包括:公司法、證券法、金融監管、比較公司治理等。 在《中國法學》、《證券市場導報》、《法學評論》等期刊輯刊發表論文十余篇,主持教育部人文社科青年基金項目一項、中國證券投資基金業協會橫向課題”基金管理人信義義務研究”一項,獨著《商事領域受信制度原理研究》(北京大學出版社)、合著”普通高等教育’十二五’規劃教材”《企業與公司法學》(北京大學出版社)第八版、第九版和第十版。
Chun Zhou is an associate professor at the Guanghua School of Law, Zhejiang University. She received her Bachelor of Laws from Peking University (2010), Master of Laws from Columbia University (James Kent Scholar) and Doctor of Laws from Peking University. Her main research areas include: corporate law, securities law, financial regulation and comparative corporate governance. She has published more than ten papers in journals such as “China Law”, “Securities Market Herald” and “Law Review”. She has presided over a project in conjunction with the Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund of the Ministry of Education, and a project titled “Research on Fiduciary Duty of Fund Managers”, in conjunction with the Asset Management Association of China”. She is the author of “Principles of Fiduciary Law in Modern Commercial World” (Peking University Press), co-author of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Textbook for General Higher Education, “Enterprise and Company Law” (Peking University Press) Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Editions.
張湖月博士, 香港大學中國法研究中心主任
Dr. Angela Zhang, Director of the Centre for Chinese Law at the University of Hong Kong