Date: 26Mar 2019
HKU Law at 50 Distinguished Lecture Series:
The Modernization of the Judiciary in Taiwan (台灣司法之現代化)
Question and Answer 答問部分
Professor Weng Yueh-sheng, Former Chief Justice, Taiwan, Cheng Chan Lan Yue Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
Since the Republic of China was founded, generations of members of the legal community had attempted to develop a healthy and independent judiciary. Since the 1990s, constitutionalism has been practised in Taiwan, and judicial reform has achieved a considerable degree of success. This lecture will review the historical development of the judiciary in Taiwan, and explore the judicial role in the maintenance of the constitutional order and the protection of human rights in Taiwan.
Professor Weng Yueh-sheng is a law graduate of the National Taiwan University in Taipei and Heidelberg University in Germany. He began his academic career at the National Taiwan University in 1966. In 1972-1999, he served as a Grand Justice of the Judicial Yuan (constitutional court) in Taiwan. In 1999-2007, he was Chief Justice of Taiwan. He has taught generations of students and published extensively in the field of public law.
翁岳生教授畢業於台北國立台灣大學法律學系,後往德國深造,獲海德堡大學法學博士學位。1966年起任教於台灣大學法律系,1972年至1999年任司法院大法官,1999年至2007年任司法院院長。著有《行政法與現代法治國家》(1976年)、《法治國家之行政法與司法》(1994年)、《行政法》(上、下冊)(1998年編著)、《行政訴訟法逐條釋義》(2003年主編)等書。於2002年獲選為英國高等法律研究學會(Society for Advanced Legal Studies)榮譽會員,2007年獲總統頒授“中正勳章”。FULL DETAILS
Mar 27, 2019
The Development of the Rule of Law in Taiwan (台灣法治之發展 ) – 翁岳生教授