Date: 28May 2015
On 22 April 2015, the Hon. Mrs Carrie Lam Chief Secretary for Administration unveiled the Government’s reform proposals on the method for selecting the Chief Executive by universal suffrage in 2017 which she heralded as paving the way for a system that is more competitive and more democratic. She added that “We are now at a historic opportunity in Hong Kong’s constitutional development and I think the Central authorities will be very gratified to see us delivering universal suffrage in the selection of the Chief Executive in 2017.” However, recent public opinion polls indicate only a lukewarm support for the proposals despite its guarantee that more than 5 million people in Hong Kong would have their say in the selection of the next Chief Executive in 2017.
This forum brings together three Legislative Councillors, namely Hon. Ms Emily Lau, the Hon. Mr Jeffrey Lam and the Hon. Mr Ronny Tong to candidly discuss the issues that face the Legislative Council when the reform package is tabled for a vote. The forum will be facilitated by Dr. William Partlett, an expert in constitutional design and comparative constitutional law. To pocket or not to pocket – that is the critical question for Hong Kong to answer at this juncture. And how can we narrow the differences that currently mar relations between those on either side of the political divide to make a decision that is the best way forward for Hong Kong to fulfil its aspirations for universal suffrage?