Date: 21Oct 2019
The enactment of the Outer Space Treaty in 1967 signified the establishment of the field of space law in the international legal history. This treaty, together with the other four space treaties, constitutes the nucleus of space law and lays a solid legal foundation securing the smooth development of space activities in the next few decades. However, the ongoing process of space commercialization posed serious challenges to the current space legal regime. This lecture will discuss possible approaches to deal with selected legal issues related to space commercialization and explore what mechanisms could be established to manage space resource exploitation in future.
Yu ZHAO, Henry Cheng Professor in International Law, is the Head of Department of Law at The University of Hong Kong. He was Chen An Chair Professor in International Law at Xiamen University in 2015. He is currently Standing Council Member of the Chinese Society of International Law and listed as arbitrator in several international arbitration commissions. He has published widely on various topics including particularly Dispute Resolution and Space Law. His recent publications include National Space Legislation in China: An Overview of the Current Situation and Outlook for the Future. (Brill, 2015)