Date: 08Jun 2021


The updating diagnostic criteria for sexually oriented disorders in the 2001 China Classification and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders (CCMD-3) is regarded as the beginning of the depathologisation of homosexuality/bisexuality in Mainland China. However, there are still many homosexual, bisexual and transgender people who have not got rid of forced conversion therapy.

How can civil society organisations and legal professionals assist sexual minorities who have been subjected to conversion therapy?

What is the clinical psychiatry’s attitude towards LGBT conversion therapy?

How do psychiatrists localise Affirmative Counselling that highlighted acceptance in China?

To change sexual minorities’ situation of being stigmatised and corrected, how far do we have to go?

Video Chapters

00:00:20 Conversion Therapy in China – 20 Years After De-pathologizing Sexual Orientation (by Peng Yanhui, a Plaintiff in China’s first LGBT conversion therapy case)

00:09:14 Diagnostic Criteria and Classification of Mental Disorders in China (by Jia Fujun, Director of Guangdong Provincial Mental Health Centre)

00:26:56 No More Delay: The dilemma of mandatory conversion treatment facing transgender people (by He Tao, Manager of Transgender Program in Beijing LGBT Centre)

00:46:35 A Review of How We Rescued Mr. Z  (by Zhao Hu, Volunteer Lawyer of LGBT Rights Advocacy)

01:10:56 Domestic Practice and Research on Affirmative Counseling (by He Ying, Psychiatrist in Xiangya Hospital)