Date: 16-18Jun 2021

In June 2021, the Equality Rights Project of the Faculty of Law, the University of Hong Kong, Taiwan Coalition Against Violence and Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW) hosted the 3rd Asia-Pacific Summit on Gender-based Violence. It  focused on the enforcement and judicial process of gender-based violence (GBV) related laws. It brought together strategic international organizations, grassroots organizations, high-level experts and survivors across the region to:​

(1) identify key challenges, trends and strategic areas of GBV in the region;

(2) provide a platform to highlight and share innovative solutions and exchange good practices and lessons learned on strategies for different forms of GBV;

(3) build a regional network to enforce the national commitment and create a space for the monitoring and evaluation of states and NGOs.

Welcome Remarks 第三屆亞太地區性別暴力防治高峰論壇 歡迎辭

Speaker: Prof Hualing Fu (Dean, Faculty of Law, HKU)

Opening Remarks 第三屆亞太地區性別暴力防治高峰論壇 開幕演講

Speakers: 王珮玲 (台灣防暴聯盟理事長, 國立暨南國際大學社會政策與社會工作學系特聘教授兼系主任)

Date: 16Jun 2021

Session 1: Global and Regional Perspectives

Recent Development and Challenge in GBV Prevention at Work-perspective from Taiwan (從台灣經驗看性別暴力防治在勞政的發展及挑戰)

Speaker: Dr Wang Ju-hsuan 王如玄 (Supervisor, Taiwan Coalition Against Violence (TCAV); Chairperson, Yongzhan Social Welfare Charity Foundation)

Date: 16Jun 2021

The Council of Europe’s Istanbul Convention: a Site for Innovative Practice as well as Struggle for Democracy (歐洲理事會伊斯坦堡公約:創新實踐和民主鬥爭的場域)

Speaker: Dr Andrea Krizsan (Research Fellow, Democracy Institute; Associate Professor, School of Public Policy/ Gender Studies Department, Central European University)

Date: 16Jun 2021

A Survivor’s Voice: From Seeking Individual Justice to Fighting for the Rights of the Group (一個倖存者的聲音——從為個人求公道到為群體爭權益)

Speaker: Ms Dai Xiao Lei 戴曉磊 (Domestic Violence survivor; Founder, Purple Ribbon Mother’s Love)

Date: 16Jun 2021

Session 2: State/Institutional Responsibilities for Greater Access to Justice

Development and Operation of Taiwan’s Women and Children Safety System in Police (臺灣警政婦幼安全體制發展與實務運作)

Speaker: Dr Wu Chi-an 吳啟安 (Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Investigation, Taiwan Police College)

Date: 17Jun 2021

Session 3: Moving Towards Survivor-Centered Approaches

Victim Access to Justice – WCC’s Multi-pronged Approach (性別暴力被害者的司法正義-婦女醒覺中心的多元策略)

Speaker: Ms Say Tee Ooi (Women’s Centre for Change, Penang, Malaysia)

Date: 17Jun 2021

Gender-based Violence in Japan in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (疫情下的日本性別暴力現況)

Speaker: Ms Chisato Kitanaka 北仲千里 (Director, All Japan Women’s Shelter Network; Associate Professor, Harassment Consultation Office, Hiroshima University)

Date: 17Jun 2021

Development of the Use of Big Data in Social Worker’s Early Warning Tools (大數據與社工實務預警工具新發展)

Ms Liu Wen-hsiang 劉文湘 (Director, Social Work Division, Social Affairs Bureau, New Taipei City)

Date: 17Jun 2021

A Journey to Justice and Practice for Vulnerable Victims of Sexual Assault in Taiwan (台灣性侵害弱勢被害人的公義與實踐之旅)

Ms Lin Mei Hsun 林美薰 (Board Director, Taiwan Coalition Against Violence; Board Director, Taiwan Association for Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents)

Date: 17Jun 2021

Session 4: Digital and Image-based Sexual Violence

Law Reforms on Image-based Sexual Violence: Challenges and Ways Forward (影像性暴力法律改革:挑戰與前路)

Speaker: Ms Jacey Kan Advocacy Officer, Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW)

Date:18Jun 2021

Session 5: Innovative Strategies for Preventing GBV

Helping Survivors of Sexual Violence Break Silence by Innovative Intervention ( 以創新介入手法協助性暴力幸存者打破沉默)

Speaker: Ms Linda Sau-yung Wong 王秀容 (HExecutive Director, RainLily (Hong Kong) 風雨蘭總幹事)

Date:18Jun 2021

Session 6: Strengthening Connections and Escalating Momentum(強化連結,提升運動勢能)

Speaker: Ms Bandana Rana Member, UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Member, High Level Commission on ICPD25 Follow-up (UNFPA)