Date: 01Apr 2015
Peter Allan Memorial Lecture 2015:
It has been over 20 years since the establishment of the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). Both tribunals have an impressive record of activities. They have handled the most serious, complex and sensitive cases and established a jurisprudence that guides national jurisdictions and also other international courts. They sent a very strong signal that the international community will no longer tolerate impunity, and those who commit serious international crimes will eventually be prosecuted and put on trial. The Tribunals have created a large body of jurisprudence that will influence the prosecution of international crimes in the future, and which has been to a very large extent adopted by the permanent International Criminal Comt (ICC) founded in 2002.
The Lecture will first discuss the Lawfulness of the ad hoc Tribunals, then, their contribution to substantive criminal law concentrating on the application of Geneva Conventions, war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, torture and rape. It will also dwell on the development of mode of liability, for instance, joint criminal enterprise, extension of commission, aiding and abetting and command responsibility. Finally, the lecture will also contemplate on the enrichment oflntemational procedural law as well as some justified criticisms. FULL DETAILS