Video Commerial Law, Conference and Seminars, Corporate and Financial Law, Law and Technology and Intellectual Property HKU FinTech Day 86 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Corporate and Financial Law, Law and Technology and Intellectual Property Prof Jane K. Winn: Governing the FinTech Revolution-Assessing the Impact a Decade of EU Payment Law Reforms 250 views
Video Corporate and Financial Law, Facutly Inaugural Public Lecture, Financial Regulation, International and Comparative law, Law and Technology and Intellectual Property Prof Alexa Lam: Technology, Regulation and the Democratization of Financial Services 94 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Corporate and Financial Law, Financial Regulation, Seminar, Taxation Law Prof. Catherine Schenk: The Foundations of Hong Kong’s Banking Regulation and Supervision-Challenges of Internationalisation in the 1970s and 1980s 73 views
Video Commerial Law, Corporate and Financial Law, Financial Regulation, Taxation Law Prof Judith Freedman CBE: Business Tax: Public Debate and Future Trends 45 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Corporate and Financial Law, International and Comparative law Jeffrey H Chen: Volcker Rule Final Regulations 90 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Corporate and Financial Law, Criminal Law, International and Comparative law, Practice and Procedure Russ Harding: Proving Money Laundering in Hong Kong 216 views
Video Commerial Law, Corporate and Financial Law, Criminal Law, International and Comparative law Prof. Yoshiaki Nomura: Conflict of law issues in loan transactions-What Law Governs Syndicated Loans in Global Transactions? 51 views
Video Asian Law, Conference and Seminars, Corporate and Financial Law, Seminar Protected: CoSIG/AIIFL Seminar High Frequency Trading 15 views
Video Corporate and Financial Law, Human Rights Protected: “Reconciling Policing Mandates and Human Rights” 13 views