Video Conference and Seminars, International and Comparative law, Law and Medical ethics Marie Danielle Kobler: Conversations at life’s end-reimagining advance care planning in Hong Kong as an intervention 164 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Human Rights, International and Comparative law, Public and Comparative, Rights Talk Lynette J. Chua: Singapore’s Gay Rights Movement: Past, Present, and Future 94 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Criminal Law, Human Rights, International and Comparative law, Public and Constitutional Law Prof Paul Roberts: Confronting Strasbourg: From Common Law Criminal Procedure and European Fair Trial Rights to Cosmopolitan Criminal Jurisprudence 74 views
Video Conference and Seminars, International and Comparative law, Law and Technology and Intellectual Property Dr Žiga Turk: Communication & Technology in the Past, Present and Future of Europe 48 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Human Rights, International and Comparative law, Law and Technology and Intellectual Property, Public and Constitutional Law Prof. Anupam Chander: Surveillance Along the Electronic Silk Road-China and the United States 61 views
Video Criminal Law, Human Rights, International and Comparative law, Practice and Procedure, Public and Constitutional Law Eduard Ivanov: Legal Regulations for Countering Corruption in the Russian Federation 39 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Corporate and Financial Law, International and Comparative law Jeffrey H Chen: Volcker Rule Final Regulations 86 views
Video Commerial Law, Conference and Seminars, International and Comparative law, Tort Alex Schuster: Liability for Defective Pharmaceutical Products in the EU 78 views
Video Conference and Seminars, Corporate and Financial Law, Criminal Law, International and Comparative law, Practice and Procedure Russ Harding: Proving Money Laundering in Hong Kong 208 views
Video International and Comparative law Dino Krisiotis Reading and Rereading the Caroline Correspondence, 1838-1842 Shaping the Modern Right of Self-Defence in International Law 52 views